

"Andreas is my new favorite Kambô practitioner. You just know when you go to him, that you are in good hands and you feel immediately how he is in total integrity, witch is one of the most important things for me when I choose a Kambô practitioner. 

On top of that he holds such a loving and kind space for you and you feel completely safe both in your physical process but also emotional process.

I can highly, highly recommend this amazing medicine man. ”


"In May, I sat in Kambô ceremony, two days in a row, with Andreas facilitating.

Although I have sat with kambo a handful of other places, with other facilitators, I have to admit that Andreas managed to create a space I have never encountered before.

My experience of the space was that it was deeply professional, and it was clear to see that Andreas has a vast, professional knowledge of the medicine and how it is best brought into play.

I had a strong experience of being held in a very safe space, where everything was met without judgment and where the focus was on meeting the process that the medicine creates, in love.

The synergy created in the ceremonies with Shikoba's feminine contribution and Andreas' masculine contribution feels magical, creates a wonderful harmony and very naturally invites you into a deep ceremony and process.

Andreas has my warmest recommendations ❤️”


"Thank you so much for today. I felt completely safe throughout the process and am looking forward to experiencing the effect in the coming days 🐸✨

And it was actually very special, the way you led today while Shikoba supported you. What a fantastically strong couple you are. In your presence I feel guided, seen, held and empowered.

Thank you so much for you and the space you create for the rest of us 🙏🏼🌱❤️

Big hug from me 💚”


“Thank you for an intense and interesting 1:1 Kambo session 🐸 It really was powerful to use the meridian points 🙏🏻 So thank you for introducing me to that energy 🙌

It was a fantastically seamless and coherent experience to be in the ceremony with you as a spaceholder. You have a pleasant, calm and very competent demeanour, which made me feel so safe in an otherwise very energetic process.

Again, thank you very much for your time and your work with Kambo 🙏🏻

Huge hugs from me to you”