Sound Healing
1-1 Sound Healing Session, 1 hour from Copenhagen.
What people say
The integral approach
The Sound Healing modality that I am currently training in, is called ‘Integral Sound Healing’. It is a very comprehensive approach to working with sound for healing, which is honouring the view/fact that we are more than just our bodies.
This approach integrates and works on both spirit, soul, mind, emotions and the body, as they are all seen as emerging from the same source energy that have created us. In this manner Integral Sound Healing draws on wisdom from many systems and modalities like the chakras, the 5 Chinese elements, the shamanic elements, The Ayurvedic elements, the elements of connection etc.
By consciously applying techniques that facilitate healing through these principles, Integral Sound Healing treats the whole person and not just the symptoms.
Both modern science and ancient wisdom, art and musicality and mystery and grace, they are all embraced in this way of working with sound. As practitioners of Integral Sound Healing, we know that we don’t know everything and that that is ok. And we know that our healing powers are sometimes given to us through forces we do not control but that can actively invite.
We understand that WE are not really healing anything, but rather facilitating powerful self-healing processes in our clients.