Music of The Plants

June 27th | 7-9 PM | Yojo Studio | Teglgårdsstræde 8B, Kbh K | Exchange: DKK 250,- /€ 34

I believe it’s more important than ever to find ways for us to reconnect to nature, to reignite that much needed sense of unity with our natural environment, that can foster a greater desire to protect and preserve the delicate balance of our planet and all the living beings we share it with. Supporting the remembering of our reverence for nature is one of the main purposes behind all the work I do.

For me music and sound is the form of communication that most easily can open me up, take me out of my head and into my heart. It is the one, universal language that binds us all together, no matter what we look like or what we believe in. It is also the medium through which I most enjoy expressing myself.

It was therefore a great moment when I realised, that there’s a new way for me to merge this love for sound with a purpose close to my heart. Through devices that connect to plants, perceive their electromagnetic signals and translate them into musical harmonies, it is now possible for us to hear the music of plants and even interact and co-create with them. This offering is an invitation into that exact exploration. A 2-hour "plant-based" musical journey.

It is my dream that by transforming the invisible physiological processes of plants into audible music, we can maybe gain a renewed appreciation for the interconnectedness of all living organisms. And let that serve as a poignant reminder of the deep relationship between humanity and all of the natural world.


Plants are more intelligent and sentient beings than what we previously thought in the western part of the world. Recent studies indicate that plants are capable of interacting with their environment in many ways and even solving problems. With more than 20 senses to help them respond to their environment, they’re capable of detecting light, water sources and electrical gradients. They can hear the roots of other plants growing in their vicinity, and even appear to have memory. 

When interacting with plants musically, the pulse streams of each organism are unique, with each plant manifesting its own individual biological ‘signature sound. Moreover, plants demonstrate that they can learn to interact with humans. At first, the plants ‘simply’ realise that the sounds emitted by the device are a consequence of their electric activity, then they learn to modulate it to change the sounds. More ‘expert’ plants, eventually, modulate the sounds to interact with humans and create a real form of communication. When they interact with musicians for example, they sometimes even repeat the same scales, the same tunes and the same notes. Much like the wordless, almost telepathic communication that most musicians know to happen between themselves and those they play with