The Blue Morpho Immersion

September 12th to 20th 2024 - Samsø, Denmark.

Master Plant Healing | Kambo | Breathwork | Sound & Voice Alchemy | Indigenous Wisdom Teachings | Medicine Music | Meditative Practices | Liberating Movement | Integration Support

For information on how to sign up, please scroll to the bottom of this page.

Our calling & Prayer

It has been our dream and vision for a long time, to create and offer a longer and deeper container of medicine work, a weaving of all the powerful modalities that we hold so dear, and with a focus on actual and tangible ways in which to bring the insights and teachings from ceremony into the everyday ceremony of life.

Another of our deep wishes, is to bring forth more co-creations. To expand and elevate our offerings by inviting in the powerful potential of community.

The image of the caterpillar, deconstructing and transforming inside its cocoon and emerging as a beautiful butterfly with brand new skills, is often with us in this work. And it also has been very present in the process of calling in the community and birthing this offering.

The whispers of
The Blue Morpho

On a recent diet with the Master Plants in the Amazon, our path of studies brought us to meet Dylan & Mariana. Our immediate and strong connection felt like a clear sign, that they were part of the soul family we had been calling in.

But to ensure we fully understood the message, the Blue Morpho Butterfly started appearing every time we connected, and it has had such an incredibly strong presence ever since.

Blue butterflies are very scarce. It is said that seeing one ensures joy and good fortune. But for the four of us, it simply served as a beautiful omen for what we already knew to be true in our hearts; to listen to the calling to join forces and co-create.

In this way, the spirit of the Blue Morpho Butterfly has been a strong presence since the beginning of our connection, and therefore the main energy we will carry into this offering.

Meet the facilitators

  • Shikoba sommer

    Shikoba is trained in several different healing modalities. She has especially worked with breath-journeys, Medicine work and Energy work for the past several years. She is deeply dedicated to supporting and guiding people into deep, inner transformational journeys and empowering anyone who crosses her path to awaken to, and explore, their own connection, devotion and love to themselves, the
    Earth and Spirit.

  • Andreas Hüttel

    Andreas is deeply committed to working with music and sound as medicine, as well as being a dedicated student of the Master Plants and the indigenous wisdom traditions. He is trained as a Sound Healing Practitioner with The Healing Academy (UK), Ecstatic Dance Facilitator & DJ with Aditya, as a Circling Facilitator & Coach with Circling Europe, and finally is an IAKP certified Kambo Practitioner.

  • Mariana Mae

    Mariana Mae is an artist, visionary, cultural bridge and healing arts practitioner native to Coyoacan, Tenochtitlan, Mexico.

    Mariana is currently residing in the Chorotega Nation Lands of Guanacaste, Costa Rica.

    She offers her work under the wingspan of Mariana Mae | Earth Medicine Arts, and as a contributing facilitator at Niwe Rao Xobo.

  • Dylan Moscovitch

    Dylan has dedicated his life to being of service to others through his work with Sacred Medicines in Ceremonial and Retreat settings, alongside his wife, Mariana, through their collective, TIERRA Viviente.

    He also offers mentorship work as a Wellness, Mental Performance and Integration coach through his platform, HEALX, in addition to offering online courses.

The offering

Metamorphosis, the Greek word that means transformation or change in shape, will be the guiding principle during this offering. 

The Blue Morpho - like all other butterflies - undergoes the powerful transformation from caterpillar to chrysalis, after which it finally emerges as a fully grown butterfly. This journey in three parts - and the teachings that are inherent to each of the phases - will be the golden thread through this immersion. 

The metamorphosis of the Blue Morpho butterfly mirrors the transformative process of human spiritual and emotional growth. It reminds us that growth requires patience, self-reflection, perseverance, and the willingness to embrace change, helping us cultivate a sense of acceptance and appreciation for the distinct stages of our personal growth.

The caterpillar: 

The caterpillar has just one purpose which is to take in sustenance and nutrients for the big transformation that awaits. In this phase it grows, splits its skin and sheds it about 4 or 5 times. The caterpillar phase embodies the essence of growth and adaptability, serving as a poignant reminder that personal evolution is a gradual, laborious process. Just as the caterpillar diligently consumes nourishment to expand, individuals are encouraged to nurture their intellect and spirit to realise their utmost capabilities while expanding their awareness. 

This phase symbolises a period of learning, challenges, and personal development as we strive to understand ourselves and the world around us.

The chrysalis: 

After a caterpillar attains its full-grown size, it stops eating and enters its chrysalis for the pupal stage where the true transition begins. Inside the protective casing, the caterpillar dissolves completely and undergoes a profound internal restructuring. Special cells that were present in the larva are now growing rapidly. They will become the legs, wings, eyes and other parts of the adult butterfly.

This stage symbolises the death before the rebirth, requiring a powerful leap of faith into the unknown. As we surrender into transformation and introspective growth, this process imparts profound lessons on the beauty inherent in change and the imperative nature of confronting adversities in order to emerge fortified and more resilient. At this major turning point along this heroic journey, we are invited to dissolve old patterns, beliefs, and limitations to uncover and embrace a higher potential.

The butterfly: 

In this stage, the chrysalis opens, and the adult butterfly comes out. When it first emerges from the chrysalis, its long, colourful wings are damp, soft, and are folded against the body. The butterfly rests and waits for the wings to dry. Once fit for its first flight, the butterfly takes off in search of nectar-producing flowers. 

The butterfly stage epitomises liberty and fresh starts, a rebirth, a symbolic journey of liberation and the realisation of our true potential.

We will explore the teachings of each phase with a master plant ceremony and offer various other transmissions of the Indigenous Wisdom Teachings that are connected to this realm.

The team will employ various somatic practices, such as Breathwork, Ecstatic Dance and other Guided Movement Practices, as both preparation and integration support.

You will be invited to connect with your imagination and vision space through Guided Meditation Journeys that also support the ceremony preparation and integration.

Through the power of Sound and Music, we will work at the level of frequency, opening our voices with Voice Activations, Medicine Music and Singing Circles.

The medicine of Kambô will be offered as an optional treatment, either at the very beginning or the end of our time together, to cleanse, open up and prepare our vessels for the work with the different plants.

And finally, as the time and space in between is so potent for processing, there will be ample time to rest and stay in silence, go to the beach and sauna and eat nourishing, healthy foods.

Our prayer is that all these offerings support us in connecting with our Inner Children and the authentic aliveness that resides within us all. May we truly remember ourselves, and bring that forth to all of our relations.

If you have any questions in relation the content of this offering, please do not hesitate to reach out.

The Space & Surroundings

Claim your spot

To sign up for the Blue Morpho Immersion, please reach out
through the form at the bottom of this page.

Afterwards you can secure your spot by paying the non-refundable deposit
of 25% of the ticket price. There are 3 payment tiers available:

  • 1st tier: 7 spots at € 1555,-
    (42% discount of full price)

  • 2nd tier: 7 spots at € 1888,-
    (18% discount of full price)

  • 3rd tier: 7 spots at € 2222,-

    Payment-plans will be available for all tiers, please just reach out so we can make a plan together.

    All prices include teachings, ceremonies, food and accommodation.

You can see the different payment options below.

Please follow this link to read our terms & cancellation policy.

Bank transfer

The cheapest option is to wire
the money via bank transfer.
Use the account information here, and please remember to write “Blue Morpho Immersion”

When you have wired the money, please send an email with a receipt of the transfer.

Account information

Beneficiary: The White Stag

IBAN: SE2297700000010006192800


Institution address: Intergiro Intl AB (publ)
Box 3093 10361 - Stockholm Sweden

Debit or Credit card

If you wish to pay by debit or credit card,
there’s an additional 1.5 % fee.
Please reach out for a payment link.

With Love, Shikoba & Andreas, Mariana & Dylan.

Get in touch.

If you have any questions around this offering, please don’t hesitate to reach out, and we will do our best to get back to you as quickly as possible.